rates Mui Ne among the world's top destinations for hot-air balloon rides

30/03/2023, 09:14

BTO –, a Dutch-based online travel agency, has recently announced the 6 top destinations for hot-air balloon rides in the world. In which, Mui Ne was placed as the six most ideal destinations in the world for a hot air balloon ride

Mui Ne tourist area, about 12 km away from the coastal city of Phan Thiet, Binh Thuan Province on the south central coast, is the only locality in Vietnam that offers a hot air balloon ride over sand dunes, which starts at 5 a.m.

The ranking was based on a survey conducted among more than 24,000 people in 32 countries and territories who plan to travel for business or leisure in the next 12-24 months.


The other five destinations recommended for the rides are Napa Valley and Albuquerque Valley in the United States, Yarra Valley in Australia, Siem Reap in Cambodia and Gstaad Valley in Switzerland.

In 2017, Mui Ne started offering hot air balloon rides for visitors to explore the coastal town famous for ancient fishing villages and rolling sand dunes.


According to Bao Binh Thuan
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