Phu Quy Island determined to remove plastic waste for cleaner tourism

05/03/2024, 09:14

BTO - The island district of Phu Quy has organized a campaign to combat plastic waste, urging tourists not to bring plastic waste to the island. This action demonstrates that Phu Quy has recognized the risks and is determined to protect the environment, reminding both tourists and locals to eliminate plastic waste on the emerald island.

The azure waters of Phu Quy

Say no to plastic waste

In early March, Phu Quy welcomes visitors with various special activities, including a program to greet the first tourists stepping foot on the island. Mr. Nguyen Van Luc is among the first tourists on a plastic-free boat to Phu Quy.

Mr. Luc shared that: “Phu Quy Island is incredibly beautiful and intriguing, compelling me to visit this place to admire and explore the stunning landscapes that nature has bestowed upon this region. To contribute my small part to the island’s environmental protection program, I wholeheartedly support it and regularly promote it to my family, relatives, friends, and determined tourists to adhere to the “no plastic waste on the island” initiative.

Ms. Luu Thi Tien, representing the high-speed ferry company Superdong Phu Quy, affirmed: Despite our mission to transport passengers to the island, we will join hands with the local authorities to prevent and minimize the use of plastic products, promote recycling, reuse plastic products, enhance awareness, behavior, and habits in using single-use plastic products, non-biodegradable plastic bags; use, exploit resources reasonably, conserve and restore resources, and protect the environment in business activities serving passengers traveling by boat.

Tourists are given biodegradable plastic bags

From the beginning of 2016 until now, tourism in Phu Quy has made significant strides, especially since the electricity supply has been available 24/7, ushering in a new era for Phu Quy. However, along with development comes environmental pollution, particularly plastic waste pollution, especially ocean plastic pollution, which is a truly alarming issue that has, is, and will cause significant damage to the ecological environment in Binh Thuan province and the country as a whole.

At the launch event, Mr. Le Quang Vinh, Secretary of the District Party Committee and Chairman of the People’s Committee of Phu Quy Island district, called on the entire island district to commit, accompany, and join hands in the fight against plastic waste to reduce plastic waste, aiming for Phu Quy district to be free of plastic waste through specific, practical actions. Let’s work together to develop effective solutions to reduce consumption, enhance reuse, and recycle plastic waste within the community. Establish exemplary models such as hotels, restaurants, beverage stalls, offices, units, and schools that are free of plastic waste. Secretary of the District Party Committee Le Quang Vinh made a speech at the launch ceremony on March 2nd.

Tourists, let’s preserve the environment. “I just returned from a trip to Phu Quy, where I witnessed the local government launching a campaign against plastic waste. I believe this is necessary; let’s not allow Phu Quy to become like other tourist destinations I have visited. However, I think that not only promotion and mobilization are necessary, but tourists also need to have awareness in maintaining environmental hygiene at the places they visit; that is civilized behavior when traveling,” said Ms. Nguyen Bich Thanh.

Mobilize tourists not to litter into the sea, and not to bring plastic waste to the island. Provide sufficient trash bins at necessary locations on boats, and implement waste sorting, collection, transportation, and disposal under regulations. In addition, personnel will be stationed at Phan Thiet ports to control tourists from bringing single-use plastic bags and materials that could pollute the environment on the island. It is the duty to require tourists to dispose of plastic bags, and single-use plastics in trash bins or storage devices placed at the port.

Mr. Le Quang Vinh affirmed that from now on, 100% of passenger trains on the Phan Thiet - Phu Quy route will not use plastic bottles, plastic products, or single-use plastic bags; 100% of boats taking passengers to Hon Tranh Island and other small islands will not use plastic products. Hopefully, during tourists’ visits to Phu Quy Island, they will not litter into the sea, nor bring plastic waste to the island. Passenger transport companies on the Phan Thiet - Phu Quy route are transitioning to using environmentally friendly bags, packaging, and reusable products. Let’s make Phu Quy a destination that says no to plastic waste.


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Phu Quy Island determined to remove plastic waste for cleaner tourism