Mui Ne among the top-searched destinations for this National Holiday

30/08/2023, 09:14

BTO - According to in Vietnam, the tourist destination of Mui Ne - Phan Thiet (Binh Thuan province) has hit the 6th ranking in the top 10 most searched destinations by Vietnamese tourists on the upcoming September 2nd holiday.

Reportedly, in the top 10 domestic destinations most searched by Vietnamese tourists (with check-in dates from September 2 to 4), Da Nang claims its top place, followed by Vung Tau and Nha Trang; the remaining destinations are Da Lat, Ho Chi Minh City, Phan Thiet, Hanoi, Ha Long, Phu Quoc, and Hoi An.

Binh Thuan tourism promises to be the best-choice for tourists in the coming holiday.

A majority of Vietnamese tourists are looking for new experiences for the National holiday (September 2nd). Huge famous tourist cities in general and Phan Thiet City, in particular, are concluded as appealing destinations for domestic tourists as they are close to nature, have fresh beaches, and possess luxurious accommodation facilities and tourism products. New and classy tourist products are dominating the tourists’ travel plans for this year's National Day trip.


Colorful street carnival festival in Binh Thuan took place on August 29th afternoon.

Another prediction shows that in the upcoming September 2nd holiday, Vietnamese tourists prefer traveling by car to places, which are coastal tourist cities and are not too far away from their home. Specifically, the top 10 most searched destinations have 6 leading coastal cities in Vietnam.

Delicious food and beverage are on display at the Food Fair 2023.

In addition, the results of the Travel Confidence Index 2023 of the online travel platform show that beaches and coastal cities are the top choices of Vietnamese tourists when traveling (61%), followed by big cities (60%). Reportedly, this list is based on online data about the number of guests searching from July 1 to August 14, with booking dates from September 1 to 4. It is known that survey participants are over 18 years old, and are holiday decision-makers or play a major role in an upcoming trip.


According to Bao Binh Thuan
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Mui Ne among the top-searched destinations for this National Holiday