"Check-in" global tourism in Binh Thuan

08/09/2022, 08:50

BTO - The "best and most beautiful destinations" are the words that the foreign press has given to Vietnam in recent years, including Mui Ne tourist area.

Earlier this August, Canadian travel website - Planet Ware commented that Vietnam has 17 best destinations that foreign tourists should not miss when coming here. Particularly for the destination of Mui Ne (Phan Thiet City) with a curious introduction: “Once an unknown fishing village, now Mui Ne has developed into a famous and beautiful tourist center of Phan Thiet city - Binh Thuan Province". At the same time, the newspaper also emphasized: "Compared to other beaches, Mui Ne still retains its wild, pure beauty and is not too crowded. Therefore, it will be a perfect place for those who want a peaceful, slow lifestyle and enjoy heaven and earth's breath.”


Mui Ne Beach - Photo: Ngọc Lân

The appearance in a poll in a foreign newspaper in August 2022, happening in the context of tourism recovery after a long period of crisis from the Covid-19 epidemic, has shown the strong rise of Binh Thuan tourism. The statistics of August 2022 was 3,457,472 visitors to the province, reaching 77.7% of the year plan and increasing 98.12% over the same period last year; tourism revenue is 8,314 billion dongs, reaching 78.4% of the year plan, up 2.1 times over the same period in 2021.

That development is a continuation of the total solar eclipse that took place on October 24, 1995. That was the moment that Mui Ne - Phan Thiet is known and discovered the potential of tourism development not only by domestic people but also foreigners and businessmen. The rich and valuable tourism resources hidden in a little-known sea have since been discovered and aroused. Mark this place with an impressive rise. With names such as "resort capital", and "tourist paradise made of dunes", this place concentrates hundreds of large and small resorts, as well as strongly developing marine and sports resort tourism products. sports on the sea, and sand; At the same time, it is attracting more and more international and domestic tourists to experience. That is the reason that Mui Ne and Phan Thiet are present in the results of voting for the best and most beautiful destinations in Vietnam by foreign newspapers. Thereby also affirming the Mui Ne - Phan Thiet brand in the hearts of foreign tourists.

Resorts are invested along the Mui Ne coast - Photo: Ngọc Lân

Centara Mirage resort in Mui Ne - Photo: Ngọc Lân

Not just "check-in" on the global tourist map

Surpassing all the coastal provinces, from the difference in the 30 years journey of tourism development, Mui Ne has become a safe, friendly, and trustworthy destination. Mui Ne tourist area has been planned as a national tourist area and Binh Thuan is a key locality in the national tourism development planning. The Prime Minister approved the Master Plan for Development of Mui Ne National Tourist Area, Binh Thuan Province to 2025, with a vision to 2030 on December 18, 2018, in Decision No. 1772. Accordingly, Mui Ne and surrounding areas have been selected to become a priority area for tourism development in Vietnam. By 2030, Mui Ne National Tourist Area will become one of the leading destinations in the Asia-Pacific region.

That aspiration is being realized when initially, Mui Ne National Tourist Area has attracted strategic, experienced, and financial investors such as Novaland Group, Apec Mendala, TTC, and Hung Thinh … Not only in Mui Ne, but Novaland Group also invests in the NovaWorld project in Tien Thanh commune, which extends the excitement of tourism to the south of Phan Thiet city and the province. A place that has been bustling for many years, now a tourist urban area with a scale of 1,000 hectares, is and will develop hundreds of utilities for the community that has been formed in Tien Thanh commune such as a chain of clinics - hospitals; beauty salon; international village. In addition, the group also plans to continue developing new projects in the province soon, along with the desire to accompany Binh Thuan to become one of the best Asia-Pacific destinations.

A representative of Novaland Group pointed out the reason that Binh Thuan was considered as a land for investment is its natural beauties with a beautiful long coastline, the climate that is favorable for tourism to experience the resorts, and other convenient linking facilities, and the investment calling government's policies.

In addition to the available advantages, Binh Thuan has one more special feature which is the master plan for the development of Mui Ne National Tourist Area, Binh Thuan Province 2025, with a vision for 2030. This plan creates resilience and strongly brings Binh Thuan to become an attractive tourist destination, which can compete with many world-class international destinations of many other countries in the world.

“Especially, when Binh Thuan aspires to become one of the leading resort paradises in the Asia-Pacific region by 2030. A suitable tourist destination for marine and recreational tourism, adventure and sports tourism, cultural and spiritual tourism, health care tourism, convalescence, and especially MICE tourism. These potentials are seen and applied in our projects in the province", the representative of this group added.

Mui Ne beach – Photo: Ngọc Lân Windsurfing on Mui Ne beach - Photo: Ngọc Lân

Windsurfing - Photo: Ngọc Lân

Get ready for "take off"

According to this investor, in fact, Binh Thuan has been a famous tourist destination since 1995, but because it is still quite limited in facilities and entertainment items, it does not create a sustainable and attractive attraction. superior competitiveness. In this regard, everyone who is interested has the same view that the province's tourism has not exploited all its resources and advantages. Besides, the infrastructure for tourism has not been completed, especially traffic. Then the environment, cultural institutions... still have many weaknesses.

To "take off" to the target set out in 2030, according to the Department of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, along with the province's socio-economic development strategy and solutions, it is necessary to implement Resolution 06-NQ. /TU dated October 24, 2021, of the Party Committee of Binh Thuan province (term XIV) on tourism development to 2025 and orientation to 2030 and Resolution No. 08-NQ/TU dated December 28, 2021, of the Executive Committee of the Provincial Party Committee (term XIV) on promoting the mobilization of investment resources for the development of socio-economic infrastructure up to 2025.

In addition, continue to apply digital transformation in tourism activities according to Resolution No. 10 dated March 18, 2022, of the Provincial Party Committee (term XIV) on digital transformation to 2025, orientation to 2030, which has been actively implemented and achieved outstanding results during the tourism recovery after the epidemic. From here, it will create momentum to improve the competitiveness of Binh Thuan tourism, not only turning tourism into an economic pillar of the province but also prominently positioned on the global tourism map.

The goal is to welcome 16 million visitors by 2030, of which international visitors account for 15-20%; revenue from tourism activities reached 63,000 billion dongs; tourism contributes to the province's GRDP at 12 - 13% ... Binh Thuan tourism industry synchronously deploys 10 key solutions. In particular, the highlight is the construction of Phan Thiet city as a mixed-use tourist city, a center for high-class beach resort tourism, entertainment - sea sports, national and international conferences, and exhibitions, cultural tourism center, shopping, and festival with the featured brand. Strengthening the expansion of links and cooperation with schools and training institutions at home and abroad to provide vocational training in tourism according to ASEAN standards.


According to Bao Binh Thuan
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"Check-in" global tourism in Binh Thuan