Culture trip site votes Mui Ne among the top 9 most beautiful places in Vietnam

30/08/2022, 08:28

BTO – The Culture Trip Travel site has recently voted 9 most beautiful places in Vietnam that Vietnamese people may not have been there yet. Among them, Mui Ne (Phan Thiet, Binh Thuan) has been called its name in the list.

According to The Culture Trip, the 9 most beautiful places n Vietnam that Vietnamese people may not have gone yet, includes  Ha Long Bay, Danang, Son Doong cave, Ban Gioc waterfall, Hoi An, Phu Quoc, Hue Ancient capital, and sand dunes in Mui Ne.

“Vietnam is becoming one of the world’s top destinations thanks to its rich natural beauty. From white sands, limestone mountains, rice terraces and more scenery beyond that. of the S-shaped strip of land that has attracted tourists from all over the world”, these are the descriptions of the travel site The Culture Trip about Vietnam.

As for Mui Ne landmark in Phan Thiet city, Binh Thuan province, the site introduced that: “Vietnam has all kinds of landscapes, including deserts. The red and white sand dunes of Mui Ne are very popular with tourists as well as locals on a weekend trip from Saigon”, or “However, if you go to see the sand dunes in Mui Ne, you should note to go in the early morning or late afternoon to be able to admire the most beautiful scenery as well as avoid the harsh afternoon sun”.


According to Bao Binh Thuan
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Culture trip site votes Mui Ne among the top 9 most beautiful places in Vietnam