Binh Thuan plans to brace for level 3 alert of Covid-19 pandemic response

15/07/2021, 09:32

BTO – As dozens of new Covid-19 infection cases have broken out in Binh Thuan province recently, the provincial authorities had decided to implement social distancing under the Prime Minister’s Directive No.15 in the 3 localities of Phan Thiet, Ham Thuan Bac, and Tuy Phong district.

In the face of a complicated situation, the Department of Industry and Trade has developed a plan to ensure goods supply to serve the people to cope with the level-3 Covid-19 alert.

Under the plan, all essential goods are prioritized to serve the high demand of the people in all situations under the 4-on-the-spot motto (on-the-spot Direction, Forces, Distribution system, and Goods). Accordingly, the manufacturers and businesses units are urged to boost their commodity sources and storage to ensure the goods’ s quality, quantity, and price stabilization.

The department of Industry and Trade should prepare a volume of essential items and goods supply in response to the level-three Covid-19 epidemic. It means that an increase of 30 to 50 percent of goods within 1 month needs to be prepared. As estimated, the functional authorities would store 30,240 tons of rice, 2,268 tons of meats of all kinds, 25,2 million of eggs, 225 tons of salt, MSG, seasoning powder, 25,200 tons of vegetables, and 2,620 tons of seafood (fresh and frozen). In addition, it is necessary to prepare 2,268 tons of processed foods, 100 millions package of products made from cereals such as instant noodles, instant porridge, dried food, etc), 8,4 million anti-bacterial masks.

The plan gets the response of many supermarkets across the province, such as supermarkets of Phan Thiet Co.opmart, La Gi Co.opmart, Phan Ri Cua Co.opmart, Phan Thiet Lotte, Green Grocery, Vincommerce, and so forth. The plan is kept close watch by the Department of Trade and Industry so as to put all situations into a stable condition.

Based on the Direction of the provincial Covid-19 Disease Control (CDC) on the issuance of level three epidemic in the province, Level 3A is from 20 to 200 cases of Covid-19 infection, Level 3B is from over 200 to 1,000 Covid-19 cases

Translated by My Thien (Source: Binh Thuan Newspaper)

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Binh Thuan plans to brace for level 3 alert of Covid-19 pandemic response