Mui Ne – an ideal place for a wedding celebration

11/01/2023, 10:27

BTO - Mui Ne is not only famous for resorts and exploration, it is also a perfect place for couples in love to experiment with the best moment of their lifetime – marriage time. A wedding is a significant event in everyone’s lifetime.

Mui Ne – National Tourist Area is famous for its resorts situated on the blue coast, with vast sandy hills stretching along the sea. Plus its awful landscape, Mui Ne has been bestowed a favorable climate with less rain and storms all year round by the nature. Such mild weather has lured a great number of tourists from European countries to their winter shelters.

A wedding party was held in Mui Ne.

The location is now no longer a getaway destination, it’s also an ideal place for lovers to celebrate their special moment of a wedding. The newly married couple shall not only enjoy impressive and newfangled wedding organization, but they can also combine wedding and traveling at one time.

In recent times, many overseas Vietnamese and foreigners have chosen the Mui Ne tourist area as their wedding venue because of the romantic campus on the beach.

This year, Mui Ne witnessed a lot of married couples become “husband and wife” following the Vietnamese tradition. Particularly, a couple of Vietnamese Châu Nguyễn and Australian Marvin Bayley celebrated their special wedding celebration at Seahorse resorts on January 8th, 2023.

Mr. Deb and Ms.Ron honestly shared that: “It’s a very exceptional wedding party that We have never participated in before. Everything is absolutely attractive and cool”.

Each wedding party makes Mui Ne more allure to international tourists thanks to nice weather, romantic scenery and professional organization and services.


According to Bao Binh Thuan
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Mui Ne – an ideal place for a wedding celebration