Lang Son border gates pave the way for Binh Thuan’s exports

15/11/2022, 08:51

BTO –Lang Son provincial Department of Trade and Industry has recently sent Binh Thuan cheerful information on measures to facilitate local exports through Lang Son province.

Particularly, the Lang Son Trade authorities informed that the current situation of custom clearance through the province mostly focuses on 5 border gates Huu Nghi international border gate, Dong Dang railway, Chi Ma official border gate, Tan Thanh and Coc Nam secondary border gates.

Over time, the export situation in Lang Son province has had many significant changes despite some impacts of China’s “Zero Covid” policy and other strict regulations and prevention on the Covid-19 epidemic.

Remarkably, the management board of the Dong Dang – Lang Son border gate economic zone also received feedback from the authorities of Ninh Minh district - Guangxi – China. The feedback’s content is as follows: "Recently, about one-third of Vietnam’s goods exports to China have tested positive, namely pepper. Therefore, based on the notice previously sent by the Chinese side, we hope that the Vietnamese side will do a good job of disinfecting export goods, doing Covid-19 testing, and isolation for the people to facilitate the Import and export activities between the two sides normally”.

In the coming time, especially till the year-end period, it is forecasted that domestic consumption demand of both Vietnam and China markets tend upward, leading to a sharp increase in the volume of vehicles and export and imported goods. Therefore, the Binh Thuan Department of Industry and Trade has lately asked relevant departments, localities, associations, businesses, and units in the province to coordinate and implement a number of contents. Consequently, it can contribute to ensuring the export of goods, especially Binh Thuan’s dragon fruit to the Chinese market through the border gates of Lang Son province conveniently and smoothly without any congestion of export vehicles and goods, causing damages and harm to businesses and farmers.

Accordingly, the Binh Thuan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development is requested to review the production situation and specifically guide localities to develop a reasonable production plan in line with the forecast of consumption market demand in the coming time. It should avoid the situation of local excess crisis, prices plunge, especially in the harvest season time, and export of many fruit products is concentrated for the peak year-end occasion. At the same time, the department is urged to continuously inspect and supervise the growing areas, and dragon fruit packing facilities that have been granted export codes in the province, and promptly handle violations.

With respect to local dragon fruit exporting enterprises and cooperatives, they are asked to be keen on strictly implementing the control process on the plan of "buffer zone" establishment so that they can control the epidemics on people and goods exported through the border gate. Besides, it also implements the plan on establishing a "green zone" to ensure the prevention and control of the Covid-19 epidemic to serve import and export activities at border gates in Lang Son province. In addition, it is necessary to ensure the quality of goods in accordance with the regulations and requirements of the import market and regularly monitor and update the situation at the northern border gates. In terms of wharf capacity, customs clearance progress, delivery and receipt of import and export goods, and assessment of export capabilities and export plans are especially noted to develop a reasonable production.


According to Bao Binh Thuan
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Lang Son border gates pave the way for Binh Thuan’s exports