State President Vo Van Thuong pays a working visit to the Phu Quy Island District

17/06/2023, 16:36

BTO – On June 17th morning, State President Vo Van Thuong and Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha, and a delegation of the Government Office paid a working visit to Phu Quy Island district, Binh Thuan province.

On the side of Binh Thuan province, there were the Secretary of the Provincial Party’s Committee Duong Van An, the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party’s Committee Nguyen Hoai Anh, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Doan Anh Dung, and representatives of the leaders of the province and Phu Quy island district.

On the visit, President Vo Van Thuong attended a flag-saluting ceremony at a sovereignty flag pole on the Phu Quy Island, an island district of the south-central province of Binh Thuan. The pole is one of the sovereignty flag poles built on outpost islands from the North to the South as part of projects launched by the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, the Association of Vietnamese Students, and the Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV).

Later, President Vo Van Thuong planted a bang vuong (square-fruit Malabar Almond) tree which symbolizes the vital spirit, vitality, and unwavering love for the Fatherland, its seas, and islands. At the same time, the President visited and presented gifts and over 1,000 national flags to local fishermen.

He also offered gifts to officers and soldiers of Radar Station 55 of Battalion 292, Division 337 of the Air Defence - Air Force stationed on Phu Quy island.

Talking with the Party organization, administration, officers, soldiers and people of Phu Quy island district, the State leader praised them for building Phu Quy into the first new-style rural district of Binh Thuan and the second island district nationwide to achieve the status.

The President stressed the need to clearly define the task of ensuring the defense and security of and firmly safeguarding Phu Quy island as a top priority of the Party organization, officers, soldiers, and people of the island district along with economic development.


According to Bao Binh Thuan
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State President Vo Van Thuong pays a working visit to the Phu Quy Island District