Accordingly, the functional departments and the People’s Committees of coastal districts, towns, and cities are required to thoroughly implement the conclusions of the Deputy Prime Minister in Announcement No. 539 dated December 25, 2023, at the 8th meeting of the National Steering Committee on IUU fishing.
At the same time, they should continue to coordinate and implement synchronized tasks and solutions to combat IUU fishing as directed by the Permanent Secretary of the Party Central Committee, the Prime Minister, the Head of the National Steering Committee on IUU fishing, and the Provincial Party Committee and People’s Committee (especially in Circular No. 4881 dated December 12, 2023). Specifically, absolutely no negligence or subjectivity should be tolerated; resolute actions must be taken against organizations and individuals who fail to fulfill their assigned duties and responsibilities in the performance of official duties, which may affect the collective efforts to remove the “Yellow Card” of the entire country.
Timely encouragement, rewards, and support should be given to exemplary individuals in the fight against IUU fishing. Specifically, focus on urgent and priority tasks and solutions. Tight control over the activities and accommodation of fishing vessels outside the province. Continue to implement measures to closely manage and monitor high-risk subjects involved in illegal exploitation in foreign waters (especially paying attention to the activities of offshore fishing boats in areas such as La Gi, Phu Quy, Ham Tan, etc before, during, and after the Lunar New Year ).
Coordinate with the functional forces of other provinces to tightly control the activities and accommodation of fishing vessels outside the province. Prioritize the deployment of forces in key areas to both disseminate and mobilize, as well as firmly grasp the territory, timely detect and prevent illegal fishing by fishing vessels and fishermen in foreign waters. Continue to review records, impose definitive penalties on cases that are still within the statute of limitations, completed before April 30, 2024, and investigate and prosecute intermediaries who facilitate the illegal fishing activities of fishing vessels and fishermen in foreign waters. Strengthen patrols, inspections, and control of the entry and exit of fishing vessels.
Furthermore, it is important to continue to strengthen the dissemination of information and training on laws and regulations regarding the fight against IUU fishing in order to enhance the legal compliance awareness of coastal communities. Timely reporting of cases of IUU fishing violations and their subsequent handling according to regulations should serve as a deterrent and educational measure. Organize meetings, visits, and encouragement for fishermen during the Lunar New Year, combined with propaganda and mobilization efforts to ensure that boat owners, captains, and fishermen strictly adhere to the laws and regulations and do not violate foreign waters.
In parallel, the surveillance system should be leveraged to control fishing vessels operating in offshore areas, promptly detect, warn, and prevent cases of crossing maritime boundaries. Strictly enforce regulations on port notifications, monitor the quantity of seafood brought to shore, and trace the origin of aquatic products (with particular attention to controlling and monitoring the quantity of seafood passing through ports for all logistics support vessels engaged in purchasing and transferring seafood at fishing ports). Allocate resources to focus on registering and temporarily registering “3 no” fishing vessels that are currently in operation for monitoring and management purposes.

Monitor the quantity of seafood brought to shore, record fishing activities, and trace the origin of aquatic products.
Conduct intensified patrols, inspections, and control of fishing vessels entering and leaving ports, as well as those operating at river mouths, sea entrances, islands, temporary berths, and anchorages. Take strict actions against violations, especially those related to illegal fishing in foreign waters and violations of the Vessel Monitoring System (such as failure to report vessel positions for 6 hours, failure to return to shore within 10 days, and crossing permitted boundaries at sea).