Binh Thuan’s leaders attended new school-year beginning ceremonies

05/09/2019, 16:31

BTO – Nearly 290,000 students at all grades across Binh Thuan province has joined the new school-year beginning ceremonies taking place throughout the locality Thursday morning (September 5th).

Secretary of the provincial Party committee Nguyen Manh Hung beat the drum to kick off the 2019-2020 academic year at Tran Hung Dao gifted high school in Phan Thiet city.

Addressing the ceremony, Secretary Hung congratulated the school on achievements it has gained over the past years. He also lauded common efforts of the school teaching staff and students in the cause of teaching and learning as it is deserve for its title of “Outstanding labor collective”. In the new school year, Secretary urges the school to keep renovating teaching methods and learning creatively, speeding up education and training for students comprehensively.

Secretary Hung advised students to keep their dreams and aspiration for future careers, contributing their knowledge to the country’s development and construction. Moreover, he also paid attention the training of life skills, morality, intellectuals and humanity for students.

This year’s new school-year beginning ceremony lasts during some 60 minutes so that it can create the solemn and joyful atmosphere for students in their new school year day.

In the meantime, Deputy secretary of the provincial Party Huynh Thanh Canh committee also joined over 180 teachers and nearly 1,800 students of Ham Thuan Bac high school in that special day.

Chairman of the provincial People’s committee Nguyen Ngoc Hai was also present at the similar ceremony at Le Quy Don school. Chairman Hai acknowledged the school’s teaching methods and learning achievements in the past school year.

Over 24 million students across the country began the 2019-2020 academic year after brief ceremonies on September 5th. This year, almost all of schools nationwide did not fly balloons in response to the “Say no to plastic waste” campaign.

Translated by My Thien (Source: Binh Thuan Online)

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Binh Thuan’s leaders attended new school-year beginning ceremonies