For seamen, Whale is a god and highly esteemed and worshiped, saving them in marine accidents. As a rule, whenever finding the whale die, the temple villagers shall bring him to the shore and celebrate a formula funeral rite. The first person to find him die shall follow the funeral rite as a his eldest child. The temple villagers shall request his soul…, and select the best day to celebrate the funeral.
In front of the palace, there is a big land called Holy Land Unicorn for burying the Whale. After three years leaving off the mourning, the whale’s remains shall be worshiped at the palace. Over 200 years this palace preserves 3 mausoleums with over one hundred whale remains, some of which are very big. When tourists visit this palace, they can witness the South East Asia’s largest whale skeleton with 20 meters long. Thuy Tu temple was recognized as a National Historic Heritage in 1996 by the State of Vietnam.
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Binh Thuan tourist guide