On naval ship No. 561, the 41-member delegation led by Mrs. Thai Thu Xuong- deputy head of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour visited soldiers and people in Truong Sa island district and soldiers working on DK1 platforms. Mr. Tran Ngoc Phuc-Chairman of Trade Union of public sector under the Binh Thuan province’s Confederation of Labour, represented Binh Thuan’s officials of Trade Unions to take part in this voyage.

Before boarding the ship, the delegation prepared well for Covid-19 prevention; offered incense to deceased naval soldiers at Gac Ma memorial complexin (Cam Lam district, Khanh Hoa province) and martyrs’s monument; visited Cam Ranh port for submarines, and other destinations. During the trip, the delegation visited the islands of Song Tu Tay, Da Nam, Da Thi, Da Lon C, Sinh Ton, Co Lin, Nui Le B, Toc Tan A, Da Dong C, Truong Sa Lon and DK1/7 platform (Huyen Tran platform). They encouraged and gave gifts to soldiers who are protecting sacred sovereignty of the country’s sea and islands. The delegation also visited, presented gifts and extended compliments to households livings and working on the small islands of Song Tu Tay, Sinh Ton,Truong Sa Lon. In addition, during 12 day on board, the delegates took part in many cultural and artistic activities such as: composing poems, music, diary writing “Truong Sa Archipelago in my heart”, and made broadcast programmes to review the glory tradition of Vietnam People’s Navy and information about national sovereignty over sea and islands.