Binh Thuan saw early rehabilitation on 3 key pillars

19/10/2022, 16:11

BTO- On the afternoon of October 17, Mr. Duong Van An - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation chaired a meeting of the Standing Board of the Provincial Party Committee to assess the socio-economic situation, national defense and security over the past 9 months and key tasks for the last 3 months of 2022.

Attending the meeting, there were alternate members of the Central Committee, the Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Council Nguyen Hoai Anh, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Le Tuan Phong, Vice Chairmen of the Provincial People's Council, Provincial People's Committee and leaders of the provincial departments and agencies.

Leaders of the Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People's Council, and Provincial People's Committee attended the meeting

Gross domestic product increased by 9.19%

In the context of heaping difficulties, the province's socio-economic situation in the first nine months of 2022 still grew, achieving positive results. The province's economy recovered soon on all three pillars: Industry, tourism, and agriculture. Of which, tourism is the industry hardest hit by the Covid-19 epidemic. Gross domestic product (GRDP) in 9 months increased by 9.19% over the same period in 2021.

Industrial production continued to develop, especially processing and manufacturing increased over the same period last year (up 16.51%). The majority of key industrial products increased over the same period (13/16 products). Meanwhile, agricultural production developed stably, and the total herd of cattle, poultry, and aquaculture production grew over the same period. Tourism activities are vibrant again after the Covid-19 epidemic, the whole province welcomed 3,971.5 thousand visitors, reaching 89.25% of the year plan, up 126.8 % over the same period; revenues from tourism climbed by 130.19% over the same period.

Binh Thuan province’s leaders attended the meeting.

Tourism activities are vibrant again after the Covid-19 epidemic

The total retail sales of goods and services were estimated at 52,919 billion VND, gaining 75.17% of the plan, up 22.39% over the same period. Export turnover fetched about 624.9 million USD, reaching 85.85% of the plan, up 35.26% over the same period. The total state budget revenue of the province was estimated at VND 8,583 billion, obtaining 101.1% of the year estimate, down 4.88% over the same period. The provincial authorities also put attention to public investment in terms of directing, regularly urging, reviewing, and removing difficulties and obstacles and creating the most favorable conditions to promote the implementation progress and disbursement of public investment capital, especially key projects and works.

Besides the achieved results, production and business activities of enterprises and people still faced difficulties. The progress of the projects’ compensation and site clearance has been drastically directed but has not yet met the requirements, especially a number of traffic works and industrial parks. Some projects using state budget funds still have problems with compensation and site clearance. Administrative reform in some agencies, units, and localities has not been really drastic, especially in administrative procedures reforms.

Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Duong Van An.

At the meeting, the delegates focused on analyzing the achieved results as well as clarifying the shortcomings and proposing drastic solutions in the coming time in an effort to complete the development goals and targets of socio-economic development.

Mr. Duong Van An - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation delivered a speech to direct the conference.

Concluding the meeting, Mr. Duong Van An - a Member of the Central Party Committee, and Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee assessed: The province's economy recovers quickly while controlling well the Covid-19 epidemic, but there are still many problems and shortcomings.

The Secretary paid special attention to the state management of land, mineral resources, construction order, security, and order at times and places were not implemented synchronously. Environmental sanitation has made many efforts but still has not been improved clearly with some concerns left. The quality of medical examination and treatment is not high, the medical facilities are degraded. Generally, the condition of lack of drugs and medical supplies still occurs, leaving a negative impact on medical examination and treatment for people's health.

Attention is paid to creating a green, clean and nice environment.

Secretary An believes that, with the results achieved in the past 9 months, the province will meet and exceed the set targets in 2022. However, there are some targets that have been met and exceeded or have not made any breakthrough. He requested to focus on leading and directing to ensure quality, striving to achieve the highest results of socio-economic development targets in 2022 according to the plan set out and directed by the Prime Minister at the meeting with key officials of Binh Thuan province.

Regarding the tasks in the coming time, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee urged to focus on leading and directing the organization to well implement the conclusions of the Prime. First, priority should be given to solving the problem of evaluating the capacity of investors to choose the investor for the Phan Thiet airport project.

Mr. An also asked all levels and branches to accelerate the progress of the Provincial Planning for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050; General planning on the construction of Mui Ne national tourist area to 2040, a vision to 2050; and to complete the preparation of a 5-year land use plan (2021-2025) in Binh Thuan province.

It is necessary to complete the appraisal and submission of land use planning for the period 2021-2030 with a vision to 2050 at the district level. Whereas, he asked to mobilize investment resources to develop socio-economic infrastructure, accelerate the disbursement of public investment capital, create the most favorable conditions for the project to soon go into production and business operations, and resolutely revoke stagnant projects.

As for water sources for agricultural production, he asked to ensure and strengthen natural disaster prevention and response to climate change. In case of sea disasters and accidents, it should implement policies in favor of fishermen to install cruise monitoring equipment approved by the Provincial People's Council.

In recent times, the provincial authorities take interest in the health sector in terms of medical equipment, medicines, and drugs for patients, and not being subject to any diseases. The implementation of social security policies is taken for the sake of the poor and ethnic minority areas. Besides, administrative discipline is strengthened while the responsibility of leaders, cadres, and civil servants is highly heightened so that there are no more situations of pushing and evading responsibility. All the tasks are for better care for the people across the province.


According to Bao Binh Thuan
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Binh Thuan saw early rehabilitation on 3 key pillars