“Cho Lau” grilled meat roll

20/08/2013, 14:50

BTO – Nowadays, together with the socioeconomic development, although people are served with a variety of great delicacies, they highly appreciate a local specialty of Cho Lau, which is “Nem Nuong Cuon” (grilled meat roll).

In the olden days, “Nem Nuong Cuon” was overwhelmed everywhere. In memory of several locals, the rattan and bamboo load of grilled meat roll of street vendor Hai On had ever been renowned for its special fragrance, sweetness, peppery, and a little bit fatness. It’s hard to refuse the second roll if you once taste the first.

Grilled pork patty (Nem Nuong) plays a key role in making a delicious grilled meat roll. It requires a strict process, as follow. Firstly, choose the lean at the pig’s shoulder, and then grind it as soft and smooth as possible. Secondly, mix the crushed meat with the skin fat that is boiled and cut up into tiny cubes. Thirdly, add some seasoning to the mixture and form it into ball-shaped. Next, penetrate a bamboo pointed stick into the pork balls and bake them on coal stove. The baking stage is not an easy job to do because this stage requires a handy and flexible move so that the kebab will not be over-baked.

Apart from being used as a main ingredient in a grilled meat roll, grilled pork patties, plus beers or rice-wine can make up a complete, tidy and cozy drinking bout for drinkers. Unfortunately, grilled meat roll is now available in the market but most of them are in poor quality and not as good as those in the past time.

My Thien (Source: Binh Thuan Newspaper)

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“Cho Lau” grilled meat roll