Over 200 youths gathered to clean-up marine environment

04/06/2018, 09:06

BTO – Hundreds of youth union members has marched along Doi Duong – Thuong Chanh tourist area to Rang beach, Ham Tien ward in response to marine environment protection campaign, which was launched by the HCYU of Phan Thiet city on June 3rd. At the same time, the attendees flocked to the beach for clean-up marine environment meeting.   

Youth plants trees at the event

The campaign aims to call on people, especially the young, and organizations to join hands in collecting garbage and waste along the sea, planting trees to fight against erosion, thus raising public awareness of the importance of protecting the marine environment.

Right after the ceremony, over 200 youth members started collecting waste, garbage along the beach of Ham Tien. Additionally, “Green Sunday” activity was also launched by the HCYU of Phan Thiet city on the same day.

Translated by My Thien

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Over 200 youths gathered to clean-up marine environment