Hung Vuong Park to be a community-based amusement and entertainment area

18/03/2024, 15:20

BTO – In a recent meeting to hear opinions on the planning scheme of Hung Vuong Park, the Binh Thuan Provincial Party Standing Committee concluded that Hung Vuong would be an amusement and entertainment area serving the community.

Accordingly, the Party Central Committee and the Provincial People’s Committee unanimously agreed to build a detailed planning scheme in the Hung Vuong Park area to create green spaces, amusement and entertainment areas serving the community. In the future, it will be a place to study the waterlogged ecosystem, connected to the Provincial Museum, forming a tourist destination for residents and tourists.

Eco-friendly area in the heart of the city

The Provincial Party Standing Committee has reached a consensus on the orientation towards the detailed planning scheme of the Hung Vuong Park area. Accordingly, it proposes that the Party Central Committee and the Provincial People’s Committee leadership direct the Provincial People’s Committee to absorb feedback at the meeting, finalize the plan, and carry out procedures for approval, in accordance with legal regulations. Note that for land planning, arranging facilities, and functional structures of the park must be aesthetically pleasing and harmonious with the natural landscape. It is necessary to study the use of environmentally friendly materials, suitable for the local climate conditions, and ensure the sustainability of the project. Planning the perimeter road around the park to connect service facilities, linked to adding boat docks on the drainage canal; building a controlled spillway to regulate water on the drainage canal, ensuring water supply throughout the park.

Park landscape.

In the long term, continue to study the construction of a landscape renovation project at some locations on the opposite bank of the drainage canal, facing the park. Arrange a diverse system of pedestrian paths, including paths along the embankment, paths on the ground under the tree canopy, and elevated paths. Design a waterway system with a reasonable flow, navigable by small boats within the park. Arrange parking lots in suitable locations, serving residents and tourists well (one location at the Nguyen Gia Tu - Ton That Tung street area and one location near the Provincial Museum and commercial service land).

Diverse pedestrian path system.

Combining natural terrain with land reclamation to create suitable elevations for diverse landscapes; calculating certain waterlogged areas, planting sparse trees to transform into characteristic-shaped water bodies, enhancing aesthetics, creating focal points when viewed from above. Planning service facilities, showcasing cultural and artistic expressions, suitable stopping points. Researching the planning of commercial service land areas not exceeding 2.5 hectares, harmonizing architectural structures with park landscapes and neighboring areas, ensuring logical transportation connections (in the case of planning commercial service land exceeding 7% of the total land area according to Conclusion No. 686-KL/TU, dated 23/12/2022 by the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the Party Committee of the Provincial People’s Committee reports to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee for opinions before approving detailed planning).

Overall view of the mangrove forest area (Photo: N. Lan)

Preserve the entire area for the park

Furthermore, agree on the directive for the Provincial People’s Committee to transfer the compensation and site clearance work of this project from the Provincial Land Development Center to the People’s Committee of Phan Thiet City for further implementation, ensuring timely handover of the site. Conduct propaganda and mobilize residents in the project area to collaborate in compensation and land recovery work. Simultaneously, enhance land management and construction order in the project area, preventing encroachment, land occupation, illegal construction, and complex issues that may affect the compensation and site clearance process.

Field survey by the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Duong Van An, in April 2021.

It is known that in 2020, the project was approved by the Binh Thuan Provincial People’s Committee with a total investment of over 297 billion VND, encompassing a mangrove forest area of over 32.3 hectares divided into two zones: residential construction area (nearly 10 hectares) and park area (over 22 hectares). The State will auction land use rights for nearly 10 hectares of the residential construction area to reinvest in the park area.

However, during a canoe survey along the mangrove forest area near the Phu Hai River in April 2021, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Duong Van An stated: “Currently, the mangrove area has developed a very beautiful green carpet. This area also attracts many storks, various bird species gathering to live, creating a healthy living space. Implementing residential planning here will cause Phan Thiet City to lose a rare and largest remaining mangrove forest in the locality.” Therefore, in May 2021, the project was temporarily halted following the directive of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, and it has now been agreed to allocate the entire area for the construction of an eco-park.

This area also attracts many storks, various bird species gathering to live (Photo: N. Lan)

The Phu Hai Mangrove Eco-Park redevelopment project in Phan Thiet was honored in the 2021 Landscape Architecture Prize by the Architecture MasterPrize (AMP) at the end of October 2021. This is an international award in the field of architecture, established by the Farmani Group (USA) with thousands of projects participating from 65 countries. These awards, in photography, design, and architecture worldwide aim to honor individuals or teams who transcend boundaries to set new standards and inspire artistic development.


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Hung Vuong Park to be a community-based amusement and entertainment area