First-class labor medal awarded to Ham Thang 1 primary school

08/06/2017, 15:24

BTO – Ham Thang 1 primary school has recently received 1st-class labor medal from the State President.

Over the past school years, Ham Thang 1 primary school (in Ham Thuan Bac district) is always a leading unit in the cause of teaching and learning in the locality. Thanks to enthusiasm of the school’s teaching staff, the unit can confirm its reputation and stability day by day. 

Earlier in the school year 2010-2011, the school had the honor to receive the third-class labor medal from the State President. Since that day, the school has strived its best to harvest many more achievements. Particularly, the annual number of students, which are allowed into the next class and completed primary education program is 100 percent; the ratio of students gaining district’s and provincial and national good students are on the rise; 100 percent of teachers fulfilled and over-fulfilled the standards. 19 teachers gained provincial good teachers, 34 teachers reached the highest title at foundation level. The school itself has been constantly recognized as “outstanding collective” title.

My Thien (Source: Binh Thuan online)

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First-class labor medal awarded to Ham Thang 1 primary school