Binh Thuan plans to put OCOP products on displays at tourist attractions

08/12/2021, 06:36

BTO- This information is an expectation of many cooperatives in the province.

It is an opportunity to display and introduce their products to tourists and people, especially the products of the cooperatives that are recognized as 3-4 star OCOP.

Expect a place to display typical products

According to Ms. Le Nguyen - Chairman of Board of Directors and Director of Ham Duc Dragon Fruit Cooperative, due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, since the beginning of the year, the consumption of dragon fruit wine has been seriously affected. Hopefully, in the last month of the year, the economic situation will be better, tourism will soon recover, which will lead to a more bustling Tet consumption market. Although the cooperative's products have joined e-commerce platforms, together with other cooperatives, we still want to have a place to display, introduce and sell OCOP-accredited products to tourists and residents. This is also a channel to widely promote the typical products of the province.

Regarding the demand for a store located in the central Phan Thiet city to display products, leaders of the Department of Industry and Trade said, cooperatives need to predict in detail the needs of investment scale, area of ​​land to build stores and contact the Phan Thiet People's Committee to review and introduce the location to ensure compliance with construction planning.

The implementation of dossiers and procedures for project registration and project investment approval by a competent authority as prescribed is the basis for carrying out procedures for land, construction, and work construction. . However, for the selection of a location in the city center as a store to promote and introduce the products of the cooperatives that have been recognized by OCOP, the City People's Committee. Phan Thiet commented: “According to the current review, the clean land fund managed by the city is no longer available for building stores to promote OCOP products. Therefore, it is suggested that the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development coordinate with the Department of Industry and Trade, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the province to put OCOP products on display at tourist attractions in the province or supermarkets to create channels, distribution, and stable consumption of goods”.

Display places for OCOP products will be arranged

As for OCOP products of the province, in 2020, the Provincial People's Committee has decided to recognize 56 provincial products as OCOP (one product per commune program) from 3 to 4 stars. The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has developed a plan to implement the OCOP Program in 2021, including promotional and trade promotion activities. However, from the beginning of 2021, the epidemic situation became complicated throughout the country, so some activities could not be implemented. It is expected that the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development will coordinate with 2 units to pilot 2 locations to introduce OCOP products in Phan Thiet city. In the long term, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development will coordinate with relevant units to advise and submit to the Provincial People's Committee for investment consideration or call for investment in places to display, introduce and sell OCOP products as well as special products. local products associated with tourism activities of the province.

Mr. Tran Minh Hoai - Deputy Director of the Department of Industry and Trade said that the department has sent an official request to supermarkets, trade centers, and convenience stores to arrange 1 shelf or stand to display OCOP goods and products of the province. At the same time, OCOP Binh Thuan products are facilitated to be put into the system for distribution at supermarkets and stores nationwide.

Display places for OCOP products will be arranged

Besides, cooperatives are encouraged to take part in online promotion channels, product introduction, and online sales of distribution enterprises. In the coming time, the Department of Industry and Trade will continue to work directly with cooperatives to support the consumption of OCOP products.

According to the Provincial People's Committee on the implementation of supporting the development of collective economy and cooperatives program from 2021 to 2025 of the province, the Provincial People's Committee assigned the Department of Industry and Trade to assume the prime, and coordinate with other departments, branches, and the Provincial Cooperative Union to support cooperatives and cooperative unions in constructing shops for products introduction and sale (3 stores will be supported by the local budget with 1 billion VND per store). However, due to the complicated situation of the Covid - 19 epidemic and the lack of funding, it cannot be implemented in 2021. The Department of Industry and Trade will coordinate with other departments, branches, and the Provincial Cooperative Union to implement in 2022 and subsequent years.


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Binh Thuan plans to put OCOP products on displays at tourist attractions