Vietnamese Ambassador visits Washington

13/10/2017, 15:23

 Vietnamese Ambassador Pham Quang Vinh has paid a visit to the State of Washington, during which he met Governor Jay Inslee, worked with leaders of Boeing and joined talks with businesses from Seattle and surrounding areas.

At a meeting with Governor Inslee, Ambassador Vinh briefed him on new progress of Vietnam-US ties, especially the outcome of Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc’s visit to the US in May this year and preparations for President Donald Trump’s visit to Vietnam for APEC Summit in November.

The ambassador said the two countries continue maintaining the active development and agree to deepen ties within the framework of comprehensive partnership, particularly that in economy, trade, investment, security-defence, education and training and people-to-people exchanges.

Governor Inslee in turn talked about development of Washington State and its policy on further expanding international trade towards Asia and treasuring ties with Vietnam, the comprehensive partner which has many cooperation projects with the State.
Vietnam welcomes businesses from Washington such as Boeing and Microsoft to operate in Vietnam and hopes that the state will further facilitate Vietnamese businesses, students and people operating, studying and working there, said Mr Vinh.

The governor hoped to, together with a business delegation, visit Vietnam in the coming time to seek cooperation opportunities.

The two sides agreed to further strengthen exchanges of trade information and business delegations.

At the HQs of Boeing, Ambassador Vinh was introduced to the corporation’s plans to expand cooperation with Vietnam, including supplying civil planes to the country, producing spare parts in Vietnam, and assisting Vietnam in human resource training and improving aviation safety standards, especially helping Vietnam meet technical requirements to open non-stop commercial flights between the two countries.

At the talks with the business community organized by the Trade Development Alliance of Greater Seattle and the US National Center for APEC, Ambassador Vinh presented Vietnam’s economic reform and the two countries’ economic and trade relations in recent times and answered US businesses’ questions about investment and trade opportunities and estimated results of APEC Economic Leaders’ Week in Da Nang in November.

Business leaders in Washington State spoke highly of opportunities and partnership relations with Vietnam and expressed their desire to accelerate the supply of goods and services to Vietnam and expand investment and cooperation with the country in different fields including finance-banking, manufacturing industry, infrastructure and real estates, hi-tech agriculture, health and education.


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Vietnamese Ambassador visits Washington