Full-time National Assembly deputies meet to discuss two laws

07/09/2018, 10:23

The National Assembly Standing Committee opened a conference on September 6, gathering full-time deputies to discuss revisions to the laws on corruption prevention and higher education.

Full-time NA deputies discuss the law on corruption prevention and higher education. (Photo: VOV)

The amendments are expected to be approved at the upcoming 6th plenary meeting of the National Assembly.

Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan stated that the conference aims to increase the quality of bills presented to the parliament, especially those which deal with complex issues and are subject to different opinions.

She said that revisions to the law on corruption prevention are important in that they will concretise the Party’s resolutions on anti-corruption and address the shortcomings in the current law.

Key matters to be discussed include dealing with increased assets which are not accounted for, who is required to declare their assets and whether or not to expand the scope of the law to the non-state sectors.

Meanwhile a revised law on higher education will lay the legal foundation for the autonomy of tertiary educational institutions, helping them to improve their quality and thereby increasing Vietnam’s national competitiveness.

Source: NDO

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Full-time National Assembly deputies meet to discuss two laws