Binh Thuan to ensure a safe, saving, healthy and joyful Tet holiday

04/01/2023, 15:51

BTO – Binh Thuan Provincial People's Committee has just issued a directive to strengthen measures to ensure the upcoming Lunar New Year (Year of the Rabbit 2023) in the province.

Accordingly, in 2022, Binh Thuan carried out the task of socio-economic development in the context of still many difficulties due to the influence of the world and domestic situation. However, with the efforts of the whole political system, businesses, and people in the province, the main socio-economic indicators have all met and exceeded the set plan; the national defense has been strengthened; political security has been enhanced while social order and safety are maintained.

To deploy the Directive No. 22/CT-TTg of the Prime Minister and Directive No. 22-CT/TU of the Standing committee of the Provincial Party Committee on the organization of the Welcoming Lunar New Year, the provincial authorities are urged to well prepare the best conditions to serve the people province-wide. Notably, it is necessary to bring a safe, saving, healthy and cheerful Tet holiday to all people. At the same time, the newly-appointed Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Doan Anh Dung asks heads of departments, agencies, and bodies to better conduct their management of the organization of spring activities in conformity with the nation’s tradition and culture.

He expects the people can enjoy a wholesome, saving and safe, practical Springtime festival.


According to Bao Binh Thuan
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Binh Thuan to ensure a safe, saving, healthy and joyful Tet holiday