Plus 1,000 trees grown at Ta Cu natural reserve

01/08/2023, 10:10

BTO – The Youth Union members of Ham Thuan Nam district (Binh Thuan province) has lately launched a “Green Sunday – Tree planting” campaign in response to the program “Millions of green trees – for a Green Vietnam” launched by the Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (HCYU).

Roughly 1,000 green trees have been planted in the sub-area of 296B of the Ta Cu natural reserve which goes along the routes of Ham Minh – Thuan Quy communes. This youth activity has partly contributed to the cause of tree development, afforestation, environmental protection, and climate change adaptation.

The event also helps raise people’s responsibilities and awareness of protecting natural resources and fighting against the illegal action of deforestation. Subsequently, people are encouraged to jointly protect the “green Lungs” of the district in particular and the province in general.

Since early 2023, the HCYU of Ham Thuan Nam district has so far planted over 6,000 green trees of all kinds. Those planted trees are under good care and well-developed.


According to Bao Binh Thuan
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Plus 1,000 trees grown at Ta Cu natural reserve