Fairy Stream – an abandoned spot admits Vietnam’s capital of resorts

04/05/2017, 16:28

BTO – An influx of tourists and sightseers has visited the 2-km-long Suoi Tien (Fairy Stream) during the national and international holidays (April 30th and May 1st). Thanks to beautiful landscapes bestowed by the nature, the on-lookers showed their excitement when touring along the awesome stream.

In 2016, Phan Thiet People’s Committee issued a regulation for operation at Fairy stream, including many rules for business and services, order and safety guarantee, environmental protection, natural landscape and so forth. The regulation has not yet employed, so the management failed and posted many shortcomings thereafter. Hopefully, the potential tourist attraction of Fairy Stream would catch the attention and care of the functional bodies as well as the management board of Ham Tien – Mui Ne tourist areas.


My Thien (Source: Binh Thuan Newspaper)

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Fairy Stream – an abandoned spot admits Vietnam’s capital of resorts