In the history, Cat Bay massacre is a war crime of the French army causing during the Indochina War. The event took place exactly on February 20th 1951 (i.e, on the full-moon day of Lunar in the Year of Cat) at Cat Bay village (Dong Binh hamlet, Binh Thanh commune, Tuy Phong district, Binh Thuan province). At that time, a European-African regiment of soldiers conducted a military operation, named “Sang et feu” (Blood and Fire), which had brutally massacred 311 people including 96 members of 14 families were killed; wounded more than 50 people; had raped women and thrown the children into the fire. Moreover, they burnt more than 200 rooftops and slaughtered hundreds of cattle.
The yesterday’s ceremony triggered just 65 years since the day of Cat Bay massacre happened. The site shall keep on educating the whole people on revolutionary tradition.
My Thien (Source: Binh Thuan Online)