Over 100 baby turtles released into Hon Cau sea

28/07/2017, 08:40

BTO - As many as 103 baby turtles came to the sea of Hon Cau (Tuy Phong) on July 16th afternoon, after nearly 50 days of incubating and caring at the Marine protected area (MPA).

The Hon Cau MPA’s staff shared that: In June 2017, the Hon Cau MPA patrol detected a mother turtle getting on the island to lay more than 100 eggs. After the mother turtle left the spot, the patrol staff removed all of the eggs to the island for incubation. The whole 103 baby turtles hatched out then.

Reportedly, the MPA management has saved 3 hatches of turtle eggs with nearly 300 baby turtles, including 2 hatches were protected safely inside the natural environment. All baby turtles have been now released into the sea.

My Thien (Source: Binh Thuan Online)

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Over 100 baby turtles released into Hon Cau sea